Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chapters 21-22

These chapters are really interesting, they have action but really a lot talks about Katnis&Peeta's love situation. They are really heading forward with there little love lige they have going on, but i think Katnis has feelings for Gale as well as Peeta at the same time. I don't which one she would pick but they are very different from one another. We will see hopefully soon though........!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Katnis and Peeta are lovers, but I dont think she can believe him all the way yet.. I like Gale better and he is way cooler and trust worthy unlike Petta. Maybe she will see that ready to find out soon...!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Huger Games 19-20 chapters Response

Peeta is in a really bad shape and Katnis who is taking good care of him is really cqtching feelings for him. And Petta has them for her as well, and as they go on with the games it seems like they get weaker and weaker for each other. I think they will try to win the games together but its not going to be easy with the way things are going and how Peeta is in his form. Some how, someway they will do something to figure it out their selves......